Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Well, they finally did it. Two days ago both boys succeeded in climbing on the red couch by themselves, twice. They were quite pleased with themselves. They have done it a few times since, but still cannot make it up with every attempt.

Speaking of please, Graeme has started saying a few words, including please, though he says "peas". He uses this sometimes when he needs something done or when he wants me to open the door to the playroom so he can escape. My favorite word of his, though, is baby, which is pronounced "bay-bee" with a bit of a southern drawl. My southern relatives will be heartened to know that the boys will have a slight accent like what is left of mine after living in Atlanta (which is not really southern anymore) for years. Graeme likes to hold and feed the bay-bee doll, which he will then throw across the room.

Graem has also begun feeding me bites of his snacks. The boys usually have some Cheerios or Oatmeal Squares for morning snack, and he'll walk up to me if I'm sitting on the floor and shove a piece of cereal in my mouth. He thinks this is hilarious. At least it tastes good.

Liam is not talking so much but he is experimenting with sounds. His latest is the shushing noise, which he can't quite get without spitting a little. Very cute though, especially when we're on the way to his crib for a nap. He also pokes out his bottom lip and blows upward in an attempt to blow on his own hair. I have found that blowing on their hair will make them laugh when they are upset, so I've done it a few times. I guess he liked it so much he decided to do it himself.

Other than these developments, not much is new. The boys continue to beat me up daily. I think the beatings are unintentional but I'm starting to wonder. Today Liam stepped on my throat while trying to sit on me when I made the mistake of lying down on the playroom floor. Graeme slammed the top of his head under my chin causing me to bite my tongue. They both hit me in the face with board books also, with one strike hitting just below my cheekbone and the other landing close to my eye. When they drop their cups during meals, they somehow manage to hit the top of my foot in such a way that I limp for a few minutes. I think they've secretly had a little training over here in their spare time. I'm starting to sleep with one eye open.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. I get beaten up regularly! I am very much enjoying reading about all of your adventures in S'pore.
