Bizarre pronunciations, courtesy of G & L during the past couple of weeks:
Aben = open in Graeme-speak, also Danish for open
Cah = car for both boys, in a Boston accent
Bobby = baby for Graeme; he's switched from southern "baybee" to British policeman
Pewp = poop for Graeme, only occasionally; sometimes he actually says poop
Uhhhhhhhh, ohh = uh oh, in Liam-speak, when he drops something or sees something out of sorts
Beard = bird for Graeme
Nooooo = no for Graeme, in a North Dakota accent
Nose = nose for Graeme, also in a Fargo accent
Toes = toes for Graeme, again with Fargo (when did he visit this part of the midwest, or, heaven help me, see the movie?)
Uppah = airplane for Liam
Cack = cat for Graeme
Buh = butt for Liam
Butttt = butt for Graeme; evidently one drops the consonant, and the other makes up for it
Mouse!!!!! = mouse from Goodnight Moon, when Liam finds him
Elmo = elbow for both boys, or Elmo if they are pointing towards the TV, begging to watch Elmo's World
Mom-o = me, one afternoon when the boys were discussing Elmo and Mommy at the same time
aight = light; the little gangstas still haven't learned how to say this correctly
Their current favorite word is bubbles, which they somehow say correctly. All bubbles are great things to them, including the liquid kind you create with a wand, soap bubbles from washing hands or hair, and pictures of any type of bubbles in books. Lately, every night before bed, we read a story called Time for Bed. On one page, a fish blows bubbles, and the boys go nuts repeating "bubbles" quite loudly. I'm trying to teach them the concept of using their inside voices, so I will whisper "bubbles", and they will whisper it back. Very cute. Sometimes they can't control themselves and shout it again. Not so cute, but still funny.
Seasons, Again.
8 years ago
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