Thursday, August 28, 2008


For those of you who aren't science geeks, I'll explain the title in a bit. I thought I'd share a couple of random nicknames we've given Graeme before I recap what's been going on the past few days.

Graematollah - Not sure where this one originated, especially since Graeme is no scholar of Islam.

Graembo - When he's in one of his more destructive moods, this one fits.

G-man - Maybe Graeme is the next Mulder.

G - for texting purposes, when Sean and I are discussing Graeme.

Flashdance - this is a nickname given to both Graeme and Liam. The T-shirts they wear to bed have wide neck openings, so the shirts easily fall off one of their shoulders. Whenever I see this, I picture Jennifer Beals wearing that sweatshirt, while "Maniac" plays in my head.

And finally, µg. This is the symbol for microgram. Sometimes we shorten this to Micro, as in micro-manager. Sean christened Graeme with this moniker when Graeme began telling all of us what to do and how to do it. Little
µg has been waking up early again (around 6 or 6:15 - ugh!), and when he does this, we try to keep him relatively quiet (ha!) so his non-morning-person brother can sleep until around 7 am. On these mornings, Micro lives up to this name.

My favorite method of preoccupation is for Micro to go into the bathroom with Sean while he gets ready for work.
Micro directs Daddy's morning routine, beginning by insisting that he, µg, flush the toilet after Sean is finished. He watches Sean closely to make sure Daddy brushes his teeth properly. Next he tells Sean to get in the shower, opening and closing the shower door for him. Micro gets a towel from the cabinet and places it just so outside the shower door. During Sean's shower, he messes around with anything he can reach on the countertop. Once he's bored with that, he comes back out into the bedroom to get the stool so he can watch the rest of the routine more closely.

He hands Sean the towel and observes the drying-off process. Sean goes to the sink to begin shaving, and Micro gets up on the stool. He tells Sean to put the razor, aka the "shaver", on the far side of the sink so Micro himself can't grab it. He watches intently while Sean applies shaving cream and starts to shave. Micro always tells Daddy if he misses a spot, of course.

After observing shaving,
µg selects a shirt for Sean to wear to work. Sean selects pants, a belt, and socks that match so he won't look like a clown, while prompting Micro to select the same socks to give the appearance that µg picked them out himself. Micro then selects a pair of boxers. Sean must hide Micro's favorite orange plaid pair because µg began to pick them every day, we assume since orange is his favorite color. Micro then watches Daddy get dressed and makes sure that he looks presentable. After that, he's back to harassing me to go downstairs or to allow him to jump on his brother to wake him up ("Where's Liam?" he says, with a devilish grin).

It's not just Daddy's morning routine that
µg manages. He tells me how to do everything, including, but certainly not limited to, driving, turning on the faucet, and making his toga at bath time. I think (hope) this is just a phase since he's learning more words everyday and he likes to describe everything. It's his somewhat bossy tone that really makes him µg. His constant use of the word "need" when he means "want" reinforces the image - "I need to play with the pirate ship." "I need more banana." "I need to go outside", and so on, all day long. We're now actively working on using "want".

So, other than micro-managing, what's been happening? Since I'm a fan of gymnastics, I've been needlessly preoccupied with the Chinese gymnasts age controversy. Check out the American hacker's blog - I'm not remotely a computer expert, but it looks to me like there's been cheating. I'm doubting anything will come of it, though. Oh well, life's not fair, but then we all know that.

Off the soapbox, and back to the boys - it's been rainy here for almost two weeks, so we've been stuck inside more often than I'd like. You see, the boys get worn out much easier when they play outside, since it's hot here even when it's cloudy. Therefore, I try to take them outside quite often. One day it was just overcast so I set up their water play table and gave them some watering cans and other toys. Splashmaster Liam (he has nicknames too) went crazy splashing water everywhere and eventually calmed down enough to water the plants and my feet. Graeme was more subdued but still enjoyed himself.

Liam waters the bushes

G-man stalks me with a squirting killer whale

One particularly rainy day, I got out the trampoline which we hadn't used in a couple of months. I used to jump on it with them because they couldn't really coordinate lifting both feet at once. Now they jump around on their own all the time thanks to My Gym and Kindermusik, so I was told by both of them that they would jump alone. When I tried to jump by myself on the trampoline, both Micro and Liam told me to get off and "go over there, Mommy".

And stay off!

Well that's it for now. I've got a few funny situations to write about next, plus I need to download video so I can post the Many Walks of Liam. As they say over here, Cheers!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Helicopters, Airplanes, and Rockets

The boys' bath routine has evolved as they've gotten older. They now go into the master bathroom (the only one of six bathrooms in this house that has a bathtub), take off their own diapers, and sit on their potties to attempt to pee. No, I'm not officially potty training them yet. This step of the routine came to fruition when Liam kept peeing on the bathroom floor as soon as I took his diaper off. For quite a while, only Liam would pee in the potty, but now Graeme is also going almost every night. I think we may be getting closer to starting the real deal in a few weeks.

Anyway, then they take their vitamin. They sometimes then get acetaminophen for their molar pain. After that, the teeth brushing commences. They begin by "brushing" their own teeth, and then I brush their teeth to actually get them clean. One at a time, they stand on the stool, rinse with water, and spit. They just started spitting one week ago after their first visit to the dentist (which was hilarious and went much better than I expected). They are able to spit in the sink most of the time. Sometimes they completely miss and spit straight down, hitting their feet and the stool.

Finally the actual bathing starts with both boys in the tub. Even though I don't put much water in the tub, the boys usually manage to splash so much that the floor gets pretty wet. They particularly enjoy filling up their small rubber ducks with water and trying to squirt each other and me with them. Occasionally we get more attempts at Riverdancing. Somehow I'm able to clean them during all of the commotion.

Before Grandma Ar and Aunt Mar's visit, we did a technique called the Airplane when it was time to get the boys out of the tub. Sean and I would each hold a child in one arm and hold up our other arm in front of us as though we were flying. The boys would wear a hooded towel deemed the "cape" (or "cake" in earlier months), and also hold up one flying arm. Then we would all face the mirror and make a flying noise. After that, drying off would begin.

The routine became more complicated when we saw and heard a helicopter flying one day. That night, the boys decided that they wanted to be helicopters too. Holding one of the boys, I held my arm straight out to the side, made a sound that sort of sounded like helicopter blades while spinning around slowly. Then we "flew" like airplanes again, did the Helicopter with the other arm and opposite turn, and did the Airplane again. The boys loved it.

After our recent visit to the Singapore Air Force Museum, we had another addition to the flying simulations. At the museum, the boys enjoyed looking at a missile which Liam called a rocket because it looks like the rocket in his Things That Go book. The kids also have a toy rocket that counts down to blast off. That night, we added the Rocket to the Helicopter and the Airplane. They hold their hands together over their heads while we count down from 5. After one, we say "blast off!" and jump up in the air while holding the kids. They really love this one.

Graeme and Grandma Ar demonstrate the helicopter

Rockets ready to blast off!

After blast off, we finally dry the boys, then wrap their towels around them like togas. Then we support them as they stand on the counter in front of the mirror and yell "Toga, toga...". Finally, we apply lotion to both boys and eczema cream to Liam, comb their hair, and dress them in their pajamas. Most of the time we'll sing softly during the dressing part to help calm them down.

Toga, Toga, Toga, Togaaaaaaa!

Tonight I did bath time alone since Sean is in Hong Kong, so I have to do the parts separately for each child. I started to forget the Toga and was quickly corrected by Liam. While combing Liam's hair, I said that his hair was getting long, and Liam surprised me by saying, "need a haircut" without me mentioning haircuts. He then said, "spray with water, use scissors". I thought it was pretty smart of him to make the leap from my comment about his long hair to a description of what happens during a haircut.

Up soon - the Many Nicknames of Graeme, the Many Walks of Liam, and more.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Round and Round

Yesterday the boys played a new game after snack time. They had a messy snack of yogurt and watermelon, so they were only wearing diapers. Standing next to the dining room table, Liam began counting, "1, 2, 4, 5!" and then he took off running around the table. Graeme followed with "1, 2, 3, 5!", and he followed Liam (the counting still needs a little work sometimes). After a couple of laps around the table, Graeme yelled "Stop!", and they froze.

Then they counted again, and ran around again a few times. This time Liam stopped and said, "Take a rest", and he laid down on the floor. Graeme followed with his hands flat on the floor, and he rested his forehand on his hands and said, "I sleeping". A few seconds later, they popped up and started running again, giggling the whole time. The entire routine was repeated several times before they were finally tired. During the craziness, I ran and got the camera, so here are a few action pics:

Liam runs around the table

Graeme runs too


The boys were still in a good mood after running around, so I took some more pictures of them together (which is always a challenge). One of my favorites is now on the blog home page in the right upper corner - check out those huge smiles! Here's another favorite, the Glamour Shot:

Doing the sulky model thing

And finally a "normal" smiling shot:

We're good, we swear!

Today the boys had a rough day. They are clearly missing Grandma and Aunt Mar, and are very whiny. Liam poured out his milk all over the floor at all three meals (oh, the challenges of teaching toddlers to drink politely from regular cups!), and Graeme followed suit tonight at dinner after watching Liam dump his. I was very frustrated with them, but one cute incident occurred which reminded me how sweet they are, even though they misbehave. They were sitting on the bottom "time out" step watching me wipe up the milk when Graeme turned to Liam and said, "Need a hug", and hugged Liam. Then Graeme said, "Thank you". I smiled, and took them upstairs for bath time.

More cuteness: At nap time, Liam pretended to tickle himself while laying in bed and repeated, "Tickle bug" over and over, a phrase he learned during Ar and Mar's visit. In bed tonight, he mentioned Elmo, and I told him that Elmo was tired and wanted to sleep, hoping that Liam would go to sleep too. Liam said, "Elmo sleeps on the fire truck", which I thought was clever since the boys watched "Elmo Visits the Firehouse" today.

I'll do that review of the bath routine in the next entry.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

And We're Back

It's me again, after a long, long time. Sean's mom Arlene and her twin sister Marlene are back home after a three week visit with us. We had a great time with "Grandma Ar" and "Aunt Mar". Graeme did indeed go looking for them Sunday morning when it was time to go downstairs for breakfast. Arlene correctly predicted this in her last blog entry.

During their visit, we took a short trip to Phi Phi Island, Thailand. We stayed at a great resort, had fun at the beach and pool, and we were lucky enough to see an example of Earth's astonishing beauty. We rode through a small cove of Phi Phi Lae on a long tail boat, and the limestone cliffs were breathtaking. This picture doesn't begin to do this location justice:

So what else has been happening? After a spring full of plagues (dual mycoplasma infections, HMFD, and a couple of ear infections), June was much better. In July, the boys began cutting their final baby molars, so we've had some sleep disturbances and more whining and crabbiness than usual. They are also currently acting out(aka "showing their rear ends" as I say) since our beloved visitors have left. That said, we've had lots of fun and the boys continue to be hilarious at times. A few highlights from the past few months:

Choo-choo - Since learning to use scarves or hula-hoops to form choo-choo trains in Kindermusik, the boys will use anything of similar length to do the same. Each holds an end of the object and they walk around saying "choo-choo (name of object)". Favorites include Daddy's ties, a flexible tape measure, the hair dryer with its cord, and an extension cord.

Flashing - Liam became known as "The Flash" for a few days because he would wrap his towel around himself after his bath, then quickly whip it open and giggle. I'm going to see if I can find a Flash costume in his size for the American Club's Superhero Party for little boys this fall.

Counting - The boys can now count to ten, though sometimes they drop three and insert a number from the 'teens, like fourteen. Bizarre but funny, because they sound so sure of themselves when they do it.

Singing - Graeme especially likes to sing his ABCs, since we often sing this along with "Twinkle, Twinkle" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep" during bathtime to calm down. He is able to do a few letters in a row by himself, then I help him with a few, then he can continue. Two days ago he sang the opening of the Elmo's World theme song before his nap. Parents of preschoolers, you know what I'm talking about. I'll spare everyone else by not including a link.

Fun with play food - The boys continue to enjoy cooking with their kitchen and pretending to eat the play food. Play food is now much more multicultural than in the 70s, when I had plastic bananas, carrots and similar basic items. Now the sets include sushi and soy sauce, different types of pasta and sauces, more varieties of vegetables, plus Mexican food like burritos, tacos, and tostadas. The boys recently started playing a game during which they push a tiny purple plastic eggplant through the umbrella hole of their toddler-sized picnic table. One child lays underneath the table, and the other sits on the bench and pushes the eggplant to the first child. For some reason, they think this activity is hilarious, and therefore, it is.

Eggplant shenanigans

Fun with real food - The boys can put away a lot of food for tiny people. Grandma Ar and Aunt Mar couldn't believe how much food the little ones can eat. They each ate two adult-sized pieces of pizza recently, and Liam wanted more. They're still eating a good variety of foods, including chinese chicken and spinach noodles, broccoli wagon wheel pasta, and teriyaki chicken and rice. They love yogurt, fruit, cheese, and pretzels for snacks. Junk food has so far been limited to those important fatty foods, ice cream and french fries. They did have their first half-of-a-donut after we stumbled upon a Dunkin Donuts in the Phuket, Thailand airport of all places. Graeme didn't care for his other than licking some icing off the top, but Liam ate his and wanted more, of course. As Sean has said many times in the past, all food belongs to Liam. It must go to his cheeks, because the rest of him is skinny.

Talking - The boys have been talking a lot in the past few months. They just spent three weeks with three great talkers (Ar, Mar, and Sean, I love you guys!), and now the boys talk all day long, Graeme especially. Liam is slightly quieter in general, but when he talks, he tends to tell a long story about the topic. They enjoy describing what they or someone else is doing. This sometimes leads to them issuing commands, like Graeme's "Go that way!" when we're in the car. Their vocabulary is huge and even includes several "big" words like caterpillar, butterfly, oscillate, and parliamentary procedure. I'm only kidding a little about the last one. When they first said butterfly in front of Sean a few weeks ago, he asked them to say parliamentary procedure. They didn't do too well then, but yesterday they both said procedure with no problem. Parliamentary came across as something like "paritorry", but close enough. The most recent new word that mommy and daddy don't care for: Mine! Unfortunately it's used quite often when fighting over a toy.

Enough for now. I have a lot of catching up to do, so next I'll do a review of our new bathtime routine, complete with pictures. It's good to be back!

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Little Distracted - Okay a Lot Distracted

Hey, it can't be all Arlo Guthrie references...

Needless to say, we've been blogless for almost two weeks now and I'm sure our readers (both of you) are wonder where we've wandered off to this time. In a word, Thailand.

In several words, the usual. Work picked up, the kids activities are keeping us busy and my mom and her twin sister came to visit. Today is their 59th birthday (first time) and we're all going to Thailand for five days tomorrow morning to celebrate. More to follow on that.

In any case, the good news is that my mother is blogging her trip here:

So if you want to keep up with us vicariously, here's your ticket.