Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Eye of Newt

So, the main reason I haven't blogged in forever is because I'm pregnant. I know, I know, not much of an excuse, so I'll explain. Essentially, when the boys nap , I try to nap or at least lie down. I also try to go to sleep early at night, because every night since I've gotten pregnant, I've woken up at least twice during the night or early morning. I'm either needing to use the bathroom, drink, or eat. It's similar to my twin pregnancy, but the symptoms are not quite as severe. I've been nauseous since the sixth week, and this unfortunately continues now in my 17th week. Luckily I haven't actually vomited like with the twins, but I've come close a few times. Between the exhaustion from not sleeping well and feeling gross pretty much all the time, I haven't been up to writing. Plus, my writing time was usually during nap time in the past.

Anyway, I'm back for a few entries. We had an active March and April (so far), and May promises to be very exciting as we prepare for our first trip back to the U.S. in 18 months. We leave Singapore on May 15, and the boys and I will be in the states for 7 weeks. Sean will have to return to Singapore and Hong Kong for a few weeks, but then he'll come back to the U.S. June 20 and stay until we leave on July 10. Family, friends, Target, Chick-fil-a, just about any half-way decent Tex-mex or Mexican restaurant (even Taco Bell, dare I say), and malls with reasonably-priced shoes and clothing, here we come!!! I can't wait to actually hug family members, park in huge parking lots with tons of room between the spaces, use a drive-through ATM, and watch the boys run and play in large backyards. We're going to have a blast once we get over the jet lag.

Back to the pregnancy: I'm due October 5, and I've had a few ultrasounds so far. The OB/GYNs here in Singapore do ultrasounds themselves at almost every appointment. We know that there's only one baby, the baby's growth is fine, and the baby is probably a boy based on the ultrasound I had Monday. We should know more at the next visit on May 13, which is a high-powered ultrasound to look at the baby's development.

Why the title? A good friend of ours suggested (in jest, at least I hope) that the name Newt would work for a boy or a girl. I told him that we would call the baby Newt until birth since we were looking for an in-utero nickname. After birth, forget it.

Entries on our trip to Hong Kong and the boys' third birthday party to follow, I promise.

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