Friday, March 28, 2008

So Much to Say (apologies to Dave Matthews)

Random things said by adults in my home in the past few weeks:

Stop licking the toilet! - said twice, yes, twice by me, within 72 hours. I bought a step stool for the powder room so the boys could stand on it to reach the sink and wash their hands. While Liam was at the sink, Graeme started licking the top of the closed toilet seat lid. A few days later, he did the same thing.

It's not like I have sh*t hanging off my hands! - said by Sean when I asked him to wash his hands after handling the outside of a poopy diaper.

Oh, you have on your halo again? - said by me when Liam put a towel ring (hung at waist height) over his head in my bathroom. This is a favorite activity of his, one I find amusing since he's usually being more of a devil around the time he puts the "halo" on.

Liam, this would work better if you would stop hitting me in the head with the hat -
said by Sean while wiping Graeme's butt and being bludgeoned in the head with a rain hat made for a rubber duck the size of a cat.

Yes, "mommy poo poo"!
- enthusiastically said by me after Liam used these words to tell me he had just pooped.

Do you want to watch Daddy pee?
- said by me a few times recently since we're introducing the concept of using the potty instead of diapers. I think it's important for them to see that eventually they'll be standing up to pee in the toilet, so they have watched Sean pee and they appear fascinated. Probably too much information for most people, but here it is anyway.

Choo choo eggs?
- said by me in response to Liam moving a piece of scrambled eggs around the table and saying "choo choo". Both boys love trains, which they call choo choos, and they have started making choo choos with several different types of food.

And a few amusing phrases from the boys:

- said by Graeme whenever he sees the screen saver on my laptop, which is a picture of the boys at 10 months, standing naked facing away from the camera, so the first things you see when you look at the photo are two baby butts.

Cream, cream, cream (with Spanish trilled R's)
- said urgently by Graeme while he rubs his arm as if to put on cream. This is a new way of saying that he wants to go outside, b/c we put on sunscreen before going out. Who knows why he trills the R's, though I'm not surprised considering his other accents.

Mommy Daddy
- rapidly said by Graeme when Sean and I are both present and he's talking to one of us. It seems to work for him since it includes both of us, therefore increasing his chances that one of us will give him what he wants.

Daddy Honey
- said by Graeme on occasion when talking about Sean. I call Sean honey sometimes, and obviously Graeme has picked up on this.

Peas? Tank choo!
- said by Liam at the table to ask for more food. He still can't quite get the L in please. We're also working on the "thank you" coming after he's received the food and not before.

That's all for now. My goal is to have un-licked toilets this week!

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