Wednesday, May 21, 2008

On with the Potty Count...

Well, Liam is six for seven the past week using the mini potty before bath time. He's very pleased with himself because we let him flush it. He's appears to be preparing for an NFL career as he is perfecting his touch down dance. The only real problem is that his end zone celebration involves crouching and pointing excitedly to his handy work. He tries to get as close as he can when he points, up to and including splashing in it. This has only happened once so far, but needless to say Mommy and I are now on our guard.

We haven't seemed to find a similar window of opportunity with Graeme. We suspect he's taking care of business durning dinner time and unprepared to contribute further at bath time. Neither of them is really telling us when they need to go, so they're not ready for actual potty training yet, but getting them into the routine at this point probably isn't a bad idea.

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